March 30, 2013

Ladies Jewelry Set

  Комплект бижута, изработени от прежда. Ръчна изработка, произведено в България. Уникални бижута в три цвята - злато, сребро и мед. Кмплекта включва гердан, гривна и пръстен. В наличност са и трите разновидности. Подходящ за млади момичета и дами. Може да закупите от ТУК.

Ladies, I'll show you how to make your own unique beautiful jewel set. It includes a ring, bracelet and necklace. I made 3 sets - golden, silver and honey.

You need:
-straight needles 3 mm
(UK 11/US 2½)
-DPNs 3mm
-crochet hook
-yarn in silver, honey, golden, pink, yellow and purple

CO - cast on
BO - bind off
k - knit
k2tog-knit two together
yo-yarn over
ssk-slip, slip, knit

Golden Set:

To make mini heart take a look HERE. Using crochet hook knit a chain and your necklace is ready! To make the ring CO 7 sts and knit every row till you get the length you need.

To make the bracelet I'll give you this knitting pattern:

CO 11 sts.
Row 1(RS):k3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2
Row 2:yo, k2tog, p8, k2 (12 sts)
Row 3: k2, (yo, k2tog) x2, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2
Row 4: yo, k2tog, p9, k2 (13 sts)
Row 5: k3, (yo, k2tog) x2, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2
Row 6: yo, k2tog, p10, k2 (14 sts)
Row 7: k2, (yo, k2tog) x3, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2
Row 8: yo, k2tog, p11, k2 (15 sts)
Row 9: k2, (ssk, yo) x2, k2, (ssk, yo)x2, k2tog, k1
Row 10: yo, k2tog, p10, k2 (14 sts)
Row 11: k1, (ssk, yo) x2, k2,(ssk, yo)x2, k2tog, k1
Row 12: yo, k2tog, p9, k2 (13 sts)
Row 13: k2, ssk, yo, k2, (ssk, yo) x2, k2tog, k1
Row 14: yo, k2tog, p8, k2 (12 sts)
Row 15: k1, ssk, yo, k2, (ssk, yo) x2, k2tog, k1
Row 16: yo, k2tog, p7, k2 (11 sts)
Repeat these 16 rows. 

Silver Set:

To make the flower take a look HERE. Make the chain using crochet hook. Ring: CO 11 sts, knit every row till you get the length you need. I made the bracelet using DPNs I knit an I-cord. 

Honey Set:

Necklace and the ring the same way as the golden and silver set. Knit a ribbon. To make the bracelet I used this knitting pattern:

CO 3 sts.

Rows 1-3: knit
Row 4: cast on 3 sts, k to the end of the row
Rows 5-7: knit
Row 8: cast on 3 sts, k to the end of the row
Rows 9-11: knit
Row 12: binf off 3 sts, k to the end of the row
Rows 13-15: knit
Row 16: bind off 3 sts, knit to the end of the row.
Repeat these 16 rows.

That's it! I hope you'll like it!

March 22, 2013

Baby Gym Equipment

  Плетени мини фитнес уреди за бебета и деца. 100% ръчна изработка, произведено в България. Комплекта включва:
две гирички
една тежест (пудовка)
една топка
Ipod за музика
Тренирайте заедно с детето си, забавлявайте се, докато правите мускули!
В наличност са два комплекта-в синьо за момченца и в розово-за момиченца.  Може да закупите от ТУК
  Knitted Gym Equipment- suitable for children or babies to play with. The Gym set includes: two dumbbells, a kettlebell, a ball, an Ipod. The knitting pattern includes 7 pages of pictures and instructions written in English how to make this gym equipment set.  Available in PDF format for $ 3.00 USD.

Please, read this information:
To order a copy you have to email me these details:
     1. Your Name
     2. Your PayPal Email address
     3. or email to gifted person (to send the pattern as a gift).
Don't send money before you get money request from me! 

       Terms of Use:
     This pattern is for personal use, knitting pleasure and fun. Please, respect my designer rights-you are not permitted to sell or share whole or part of it. You are not permitted to give as a gift or e-mail the pattern anyone else. You may sell your toys, made from the pattern.

March 17, 2013

Koalas in Love

  Изцяло изработени от прежда, 100% ръчна изработка. Произведено в България. Височина на голямата коала-приблизително 17см. Подходящи за деца. Перфектен подарък за влюбени! Комплекта включва: две коали, кошничка и порцеланово червено сърчице. Може да закупите от ТУК

March 13, 2013

Young Couple: Bunnies

Двойка зайчета младоженци
100% ръчна изработка. Материал-висококачествена прежда. Прекрасен подарък както за деца, така и за възрастни! Височина-около 25 см. Две зайчета-34 лв. Могат да се изработят и поотделно по поръчка, цветове по избор. Може да закупите от ТУК 

March 11, 2013

Lovely Frames: Jewelry organizer

Hi there! I have a new lovely project I want to share with you - Jewelry organizer. You can hang up your earrings. To hang up your rings, necklaces or bracelets get some s-hooks. I found this knitting pattern a few months ago, I don't remember author's name. Try it, it's fun! 

You need:

- straight needles 3 mm
(UK 11/US 2½)

-old wooden frame (about 18.5cm x 13.5cm) 
-a few thumbtacks

Knitting pattern:
Cast on a multiple of 7 sts + 2.
ROW 1: K3, *k2tog, yo, k5, rep. from * to last 6 sts, k2tog, yo, k4.
ROW 2: P2, *p2tog tbl, yo, p1, yo, p2tog, p2, rep. from * to end.
ROW 3: K1, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, rep. from * to last st, k1.
ROW 4: P across.
ROW 5: K1, *yo, ssk, k5, rep. from * to last st, k1.
ROW 6: *P1, yo, p2tog, p2, p2tog tbl, yo, rep. from * to last 2 sts, p2.
ROW 7: *K3, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, rep. from * to last 2 sts, k2.
ROW 8: P across.
Repeat these 8 rows until get desired length. Bind off. 

Secure each corner of the frame with a thumbtack (wrong side facing you).

Това е проект, който аз много харесвам и бих желала да споделя с вас. Ще го нарека бижутерка. Може да закачате обиците си, ако се сдобиете със S-образни кукички може да закачате пръстени, гердани, дори гривни. Наистина красив подарък, ефектен, който по-скоро служи за украса в дома Ви! Рамките са дървени, състарени. В наличност са бялата и синя рамка. Може да закупите от ТУК.

That's how it looks from the wrong side. I cover thumbtack using paper and glue. 

March 07, 2013

Accessory: Purse

Feel special, unique, on top of the world. Its your day! Happy Women’s Day!

My gift for you this year will be my Accessory purse knitting pattern!

You need:
- straight needles 3 mm
(UK 11/US 2½)
- yarn in white, sand and golden
- zipper in sand (long about 8 inches)
- piece of leather
- lining fabric

   Using sand color yarn CO 60 sts. St st about 2 inches and change to white yarn, knit one row, purl next row and change to golden yarn, knit one row, purl next row then change to white yarn again. Knit one row, purl next row. Change to sand color yarn. St st about 7 inches and again change to white yarn, then golden yarn, white yarn, knit two rows every color. Then change to sand color yarn and st st about 2 inches. Bind off.

Make two.
CO 2 sts using sand color yarn.
Row 1: p
Row 2: k1, m1, k1 (3 sts)
Row 3: p
Row 4: k1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1 (5 sts)
Row 5: p
Increase till you get 20 sts.
When you get length about 2 inches from the CO edge make white and golden edge as shown. Sides should be long about 5 inches totally (from the CO edge), and then bind off.

Make two.
CO 15 sts using golden yarn.
Work in seed stitch about 1 inch from the CO edge and bind off.
Tie in the middle using golden yarn and sew to the purse.

CO 60 sts, using sand color yarn.
Rows 1-3: (k2, p2) to the end of the row.
Bind off.
Cut a piece of leather; sew it to the knitted handle.
Sew all parts together. Sew a lining from a piece of fabric. Put the lining inside the wallet, and then sew the zipper.

March 04, 2013

Ninja turtles

  • Leonardo (Leo) — The courageous leader and devoted student of martial arts, Leonardo wears a blue mask and wields two katana. He is the oldest of the four. Leonardo was named after the Italian polymath, scientist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, and painter, Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Michelangelo (Mike or Mikey) — Easy-going and free-spirited, Michelangelo wears an orange mask and wields a pair of nunchaku. Michelangelo provides much of the comic relief, most of the time. He is the youngest of the four Turtles. While he loves to relax and eat pizza, this Turtle also has an adventurous and creative side. He is something of the "surfer" boy, speaking usually in a Southern California accent. He is named after the Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer, Michelangelo. His name was originally misspelled "Michaelangelo" by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman.
  • Donatello (Don or Donnie) — The scientist, inventor, engineer, and technological genius, Donatello wears a purple mask and wields the bō. Donatello is perhaps the least violent Turtle, preferring to use his knowledge to solve conflicts. He is named after the early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence, Donatello.
  • Raphael (Raph) — The team's bad boy, Raphael wears a red mask and wields a pair of sai. He has an aggressive nature and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch. He is often depicted with a Brooklyn accent. His personality can be alternately fierce and sarcastic, and oftentimes delivers deadpan humor. Still, he is intensely loyal to his brothers and sensei. He is named after the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, Raphael.

Изцяло изработени от прежда, 100% ръчна изработка. Размер: диаметър 8 см. Могат да се ползват и като антистрес топки. 4 броя за 17 лв.
Може да закупите от ТУК или ТУК.

Леонардо - Лидерът на костенурките, Леонардо е смел, решителен и отдаден ученик на бойните изкуства. Верен привърженик на Бушидо, той има силно чувство за чест и справедливост. Той носи синя маска и чифт катани. Кръстен е на Леонардо да Винчи.
Рафаел - Анти-героят на екипа, Рафаел има агресивна натура и рядко се колебае да нанесе първия удар. Личността му е агресивна, саркастична и пълна с гняв. Той носи червена маска и чифт саи. Кръстен е на Рафаело Санцио.
Микеланджело - Общителният Микеланджело осигурява хумора. Освен, че обича да чете комикси и да яде пица, тази костенурка има и приключенска страна. Най-добре познат е с репликата си „Кауабанга!“. Той носи оранжева маска и чифт нунчакута. Кръстен е на Микеланджело Буонароти.
Донатело - Брилянтният учен, изобретател и разбирач по технологии, Донатело има репутация на нещо като щедър човек. Той е най-малко избухливата костенурка, предпочитайки да разрешава проблемите с интелекта си. Той носи лилава маска и тояга бо. Кръстен е на Донато ди Николо ди Бето Барди.

Knitting pattern: 

Knit the head just like the emoticons HERE.


CO 100 sts.
St st 10 rows, bind off.

March 01, 2013


Hi, everyone! Today I'll give you the knitting pattern for my little animal creatures!

Изцяло изработени от прежда, 100% ръчна изработка. Размер: диаметър 8 см. Могат да се ползват и като антистрес топки. Може да закупите от ТУК 

You need:
- straight needles 3 mm
(UK 11/US 2½)
- tapestry needle
- crochet hook

CO - cast on
BO - bind off
k - knit
p – purl
k2tog – knit two together
ssk – slip, slip, knit
st st- stockinette stitch


Knit the body as EMOTICONS HERE

(cat, tiger, dog, pig, bird's wings)

CO 2 sts
Row 1: k
Row 2: k1, m1, k1 (3 sts)
Row 3: k
Row 4: k1, m1, k2 (4 sts)
Row 5: k
Row 6: k1, m1, k2, m1, k1 (6 sts)
Row 7: p

Increase this way till you get 12 sts, then bind off. For rabbit continue to knit every row till you get 2 ½ inches from the CO edge, bind off.

(dog, cat, tiger)

CO 4 sts.
KNit an I-cord long about 3 inches and bind off. 
Make a pom-pom for the rabbit.


CO 14 sts
Rows 1-4: k
Row 5: sl1, m1, k12, m1, k1 (16 sts)
Row 6-8: k
Row 9: sl1, k1, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k2 (14 sts)
Row 10: k
Row 11: sl1, k1, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k2 (12 sts)
Row 12-14: k
Row 15: sl1, k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2 (10 sts)
Row 16-18: k
Row 19: sl1, k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2 (8 sts)
Bind off.

CO 12 sts
St st till you get 3 inches from the CO edge, bind off. Make a chain for tail using crochet hook.

Knit Beasts II HERE!