approx = approximately

beg = begin

bet = btwn = between

BO = bind off

CC = contrasting color

ch(s) = chain(s)

cn = cable needle

CO = cast on

cont = continue

dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing)

dpn(s) = double pointed needle(s)

inc = increas(e)(s)(ing)

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 together

k3tog = knit 3 together

Kfb = knit in front and back of st

M1 = make 1

M2 = make two

MC = main color

meas = measure(s)

ndl(s) = needle(s)

p = purl
p2sso = pass 2 slipped sts over

p2tog = purl 2 together

p2togb = purl 2 together in back

p3tog = purl 3 together

pat = pattern

pm = place marker

psso = pass slipped stitch over

PU = pick up

rem = remain(s)(ing)

rep = repeat

rev St st = reverse stockinette stitch

rf = right front

RH = right hand

rnd(s) = round(s)

RS = right side

rsc = reverse single crochet

S2KP or S2KP2 = slip 2 stitches together, knit 1, pass two slip stitches over

sc = single crochet

sk = skip

sk2p = Slip 1, k2tog, pass sl st over

skp = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over

skpo = slip one, knit one, and pass the slipped stitch over the knit stitch

sl = slip

sl st = slip stitch

slip1-k1-psso = slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over

sm = slip marker

ssk = slip, slip, knit

St st = Stockinette stitch

st(s) = stitch(es)

tbl = through the back loop

tog = together

WS = wrong side

wyib = with yarn in back

wyif = with yarn in front

yo = yarn over

yrh = yarn over (yarn round hook)