April 28, 2012

The Smurfs

     Download from Ravelry

     The knitting pattern includes 27 pages of pictures and instructions written in English how to make Papa Smurf, Brainy Smurf and Smurfette. The clothes, bag, flower, glasses, dress and shoes. This pattern is available in PDF format for $ 5.00 USD.

     Please, read this information:
To order a copy you have to email me these details:
     1. Your Name
     2. Your PayPal Email address
     3. or email to gifted person (to send the pattern as a gift).
Don't send money before you get money request from me! 

       Terms of Use:
     This pattern is for personal use, knitting pleasure and fun. Please, respect my designer rights-you are not permitted to sell or share whole or part of it. You are not permitted to give as a gift or e-mail the pattern anyone else. You may sell your toys, made from the pattern.

April 27, 2012

Romantic Rose

Romantic Rose

CO - cast on
BO - bind off
k - knit
p - purl
k2tog - knit two sts together
p2tog - purl two sts together
ssk – slip, slip, knit
st st - stockinette stitch
m1 - make one
You need:
-3mm needles (UK 11/US 2½)
-DPNs – 3 mm
-acrylic yarn in red and green
-piece of wire (to make the stalk stiff)

Centre of the rose:

Using red yarn CO 5 sts

Row 1: p

Row 2: (k1, m1) to the end of the row (10 sts)

Row 3: p

Row 4: (k1, m1, k1) to the end of the row (15 sts)

Row 5: p

Row 6: (k1, m1, k2) to the end of the row (20 sts)

Row 7: p

Row 8: k to the last two sts, k2tog (19 sts)

Row 9: p to the last two sts p2tog (18 sts)

Repeat Row8 and Row 9 till you get 6 sts. Bind off. Close with mattress stitch and fill lightly.


Make one

Using red yarn CO 5 sts

Row 1: p

Row 2: (k1, m1) to the end of the row (10 sts)

Row 3: p

Row 4: k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2 (14 sts)

Rows 5-19: st st, start with p (15 rows)

Row 20: k2tog, k10, k2tog (12 sts)

Row 21: p

Row 22: k2tog, k8, k2tog (10 sts)

Row 23: p

Row 24: k2tog, k6, k2tog (8 sts)

Row 25: p

Row 26: k2tog, k4, k2tog (6 sts)

Row 27: p

Thread the yarn through sts and pull.

Double Petal:

Make two

Using red yarn CO 5 sts

Row 1: p

Row 2: (k1, m1) to the end of the row (10 sts)

Rows 3: p

Row 4: (k1, m1, k1) to the end of the row (15 sts)

Row 5: p

Row 6: (k1, m1, k2) to the end of the row (20 sts)

Row 7: p

Row 8: (k1, m1, k3) to the end of the row (25 sts)

Row 9: p

Now we’ll work on first 12 sts only, the rest 13 sts put on the stitch holder or spare needle.

Row 10: k1, m1, k9, m1, k2 (14 sts)

Rows 11-19: st st, start with p (9 rows)

Row 20: k2tog, k10, k2tog (12 sts)

Row 21: p

Row 22: k2tog, k8, k2tog (10 sts)

Row 23: p

Row 24: k2tog, k6, k2tog (8 sts)

Row 25: p

Row 26: k2tog, k4, k2tog (6 sts)

Row 27: p

Thread the yarn through sts and pull. Reattach the yarn to the rest 13 sts and continue:

Next: k2tog, k11 (12 sts)

Next: p

Continue from Row 10 to Row 27, the same way to make the other petal.


Using green yarn CO 5 sts make an I-cord long about 15 cm (about 6 inches).

Next: k2, m1, k3 (6 sts)

Next: (k1, m1) to the end (12 sts)

Next: p

Next: (k2, m1) to the end (18 sts)

Next: p

Now separate 18 sts and work separately 6 sts this way:

Next: k2tog, k2, k2tog, turn (4 sts)

Next: p2tog, p2tog (2 sts)

Next: k2tog

Thread the yarn through sts and pull. Reattach the yarn on next 6 sts. Make it the same way. Finally you shoud have three sepals. Put a piece of wire into the stalk to stay stiff.

Big Leaf:

CO 3 sts, using green color yarn

Row 1: p (3sts)

Row 2: k1, m1, k2 (4 sts)

Row 3: p (4)

Row 4: (k1, m1) X 4 (8 sts)

Row 5: p (8 sts)

Row 6: k1, (k1, m1) X 2, k2, (k1, m1) X 2, k1 (12 sts)

Row 7: p (12 sts)

Row 8: k2, (k1, m1) X 2, k4, (k1, m1) X 2, k2 (16 sts)

Rows 9-13: st st, start with p (5 rows)

Row 14: k2, K2tog, ssk, k4, k2tog, ssk, k2 (12 sts)

Row 15: p (12 sts)

Row 16:k1, k2tog, ssk, k2, k2tog, ssk, k1 (8 sts)

Row 17: p (8 sts)

Row 18: (k2tog) X 4 (4 sts)

Row 19: p2tog, p2 (3 sts)

Row 20: BO

Small leaf:

CO 3 sts, using green color yarn

Row 1: p (3 sts)

Row 2: k1, m1, k2 (4 sts)

Row 3: p

Row 4: (k1, m1) X 4 (8 sts)

Row 5: p

Row 6:k1, (k1, m1) X 2, k2, (k1, m1) X 2, k1 (12 sts)

Rows 7-11: st st, start with p (5 rows)

Row 12: k1, k2tog, ssk, k2, k2tog, ssk, k1 (8 sts)

Row 13: p (8 sts)

Row 14: (k2tog) X 4 (4 sts)

Row 15: p2tog, p2 (3 sts)

Row 16: BO

Sew the leaves to the stalk, then sew the stalk to the rose.

  This pattern is for personal use, knitting pleasure and fun.You are not permitted to sell whole or part of it.

Here is Jenna's rose from Canada (Bernat yarn company), she used my tutorial to made it. I love it!

   This awesome bouquet of roses is made by Jessie from Bawdeswel, United Kingdom! I love it, it's sooo cute!!!

April 23, 2012

Dog Gift!

   I present you another Tommy dog! I made it for my friend, who had name day last week! He really liked it a lot! When my friends are happy i'm happy too!

I am because we are! Je suis parce que nous somme!

What we need....
Тhе anthropologist who studied the habits and customs of a tribe in Africa, and because he was always surrounded by children of the tribe, decided to do something funny between them. He bought a good amount of candy in the city and put them all in one basket decorated with a ribbon, and left the basket under a tree. 
Then he called the children and proposed a game when he said "Now", they should run to that tree and the first who reach the basket would be the winner, and would be able to eat all candies. The children were lined up, waiting for the signal. When he said "Now!" all the children holding hands ran together to the basket immediately. They came together and began to divide the candies, sitting on the floor, eating happily. The anthropologist asked indignantly why they had come together, if only one can win the whole basket?! Then, the children responded: “UBUNTU”, which means: - I am because we are!"  

Lo que necesitamos.... 
Un antropólogo que estudiaba los hábitos y costumbres de una tribu en África, y porque él siempre estaba rodeado de niños de la tribu, decidió hacer algo divertido entre ellos; consiguieron una buena cantidad de caramelos en la ciudad y los pusieron a todos en una canasta decorada con cinta y otros adornos, y luego dejaron la canasta debajo de un árbol. Luego llamó a los ...niños y propuso un juego: que cuando él dijese "ahora", ellos deberían correr hasta aquel árbol y el primero que llegase a la canasta sería el ganador, y tendría derecho a comerse todos los caramelos él solo. Los niños fueron colocados en fila, esperando la señal acordada. Cuando dijo "¡Ahora!" Inmediatamente todos los niños se tomaron de las manos y salieron corriendo juntos hacia la canasta. Llegaron juntos, y comenzaron a dividir los caramelos, y sentados en el suelo, los comieron felices.
El antropólogo fue a su encuentro y les preguntó indignado por qué habían ido todos juntos, si sólo uno pudo haber tenido toda la canasta. Entonces, los niños respondieron: "UBUNTU" significa: - "Yo soy porque nosotros somos!"

Така, както трябва да бъде...
Антрополог, който изучавал нравите и обичаите на едно племе в Африка, винаги заобиколен от деца, решил да направи нещо смешно между тях, купил голямо количество бонбони, сложил ги в кошница с панделка, която оставил под едно дърво.
Тогава той предложил една игра. Когато даде сигнал "Сега", те би трябвало да се затичат до това дърво и който първи да стигне до кошница ще бъде победител и ще има право да изяде всички бонбони. Децата се наредили да чакат сигнала, договорени. Когато той казал "Now!" Незабавно всички деца държащи се за ръце се затичали към коша. Те събрали бонбоните, седнали на земята, започнали да ги  разделят и ядат щастливи. Антропологът ги попитал възмутено защо са се затичали заедно, ако само един би могъл да спечели цялата кошница? След това децата отговорили: „UBUNTU“, което означава: - "Аз съм, защото ние сме!"

Ce qu'il nous faut....
Un anthropologue qui avait étudié les us et coutumes d'une tribu d'Afrique, et parce qu'il avait toujours été entouré par les enfants de cette tribu, décida de faire quelque chose de drôle avec eux.Il alla chercher beaucoup de bonbons à la ville et les mit tous dans un joli panier bien décoré.Il alla poser le panier sous un arbre et appela les enfants : " À mon signal, vous devrez tous vous mettre à courir vers cet arbre. Le premier à atteindre le panier gagnera tous les bonbons pour lui et aura le drt de tous les manger!"Les enfants s'alignèrent et attendorent le signal.Au signal, ils se tinrent tous la main et se mirent à courir ensemble vers le panier.Quand ils arrivèrent au panier, ils se réunirent et commencèrent à manger les bonbons tous ensemble avec une mine réjouïe.L'anthropologue, qui se dirigeait vers eux fût fort surpris en arrivant : "Pourquoi vous êtes-vous mis tous ensemble ??? Vous ne vouliez pas les bonbons pour vous tout seul ???" Les enfants répondirent en choeur : "Ubuntu"; ce qui signifie : "Je suis parce que NOUS sommes !!!

April 18, 2012

My new patterns! Backpack and Oven Set

     I was requested to write a patterns for Oven Set and Backpack. These tutorials are gifts to my knitter-friends, just click on the picture below or go to section Tutorials. Wonderful gifts for your kids, close friends and relatives!

April 15, 2012

Happy Easter!

Jesus is alive!

To make this chick I used this pattern:

Chick: 7.5cm/3in tall.
Egg: 12.5cm/5in tall, 7.5cm/3in wide.

acrylic yarn in yellow and orange
For each egg you will need:
white and beige yarn
You will also need:
Pair of 3mm needles

26 sts and 36 rows to 10cm, measured
over stocking stitch worked with DK on
3mm needles.

beg = beginning
dec = decrease (byworking 2 stitches together)
inc =increase (by working into front and back ofstitch)
K = knit
M1 = make one stitch by\passing the yarn over the needle
P = purl
ss = stocking stitch; st(s) = stitch(es)
SKPO = slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over
tog = together

Use 3mm needles throughout and cast on by using the cable (two needle) method, beginning all pieces with a K row. Please also take time to make sure that you are familiar with the correct method of increasing before commencing, otherwise you will find that the number of stitches on your needle will not match those stated in the pattern. ‘Inc 1’ means to increase by working into the front and back of the next stitch, thus making two stitches from one without leaving a hole in the knitting. This technique is sometimes referred to as KFB and is the only form of increasing that I use, so once you have mastered this you will be able to knit any of my patterns with compete confidence.

BODY make 1 piece

With yellow cast on 8 sts for tail edge and ss 4 rows.

1st inc row: Inc into every st to end [16sts]

P 1 row

2nd inc row: (Inc 1, K1) to end [24 sts]

Ss 3 rows

3rd inc row: (K1, inc 1, K1) to end [32sts]

Ss 7 rows

Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [30sts]

Shape front, 1st dec row: K 2 tog,K6, (K 2 tog, K2) four times, K4, K 2 tog [24 sts]

Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [22sts]

2nd dec row: K 2 tog, K4, (K 2 tog, K1) four times, K2, K 2 tog [16 sts]

Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [14sts]

3rd dec row: K 2 tog, K1, (K 2 tog) four times, K1, K 2 tog [8 sts]

Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.

HEAD make 1 piece

With yellow cast on 18 sts for base edge and ss 2 rows.

Inc row: (K1, inc 1, K1) to end [24 sts]

Ss 7 rows

1st dec row: (K1, K 2 tog, K1) to end [18 sts]

P 1 row

2nd dec row: (K1, K 2 tog) to end [12sts]

Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.

WINGS make 2 pieces

With yellow cast on 6 sts for tip edge and ss 2 rows.
Inc row: (Inc 1, K1, inc 1) twice [10 sts]

Ss 5 rows

Dec row: (SKPO, K1, K 2 tog) twice [6sts]

Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.

BEAK make 1 piece

With orange cast on 2 sts
Cast off.

FEET make 4 pieces

With orange cast on 6 sts.
Cast off.


SHELL make 2 pieces

With White cast on 12 sts for base edge of lining and ss 2 rows.

1st inc row: Inc into every st to end [24sts]

P 1 row

2nd inc row: (Inc 1, K1) to end [36 sts]

Ss 3 rows

3rd inc row: (K1, inc 1, K1) to end [48sts]

Ss 5 rows

4th inc row: (K1, inc 1, K2) to end [60sts]

Ss 9 rows

Work eyelet fold line, next row:

Change to Beige and (M1, K 2 tog) to end [60 sts]

Ss 13 rows

1st dec row: (K2, K 2 tog, K1) to end [48 sts]

Ss 5 rows.
2nd dec row: (K1, K 2 tog, K1) to end [36 sts]

Ss 3 rows

3rd dec row: (K1, K 2 tog) to end [24sts]

P 1 row

4th dec row: (K 2 tog) to end [12 sts]

Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.

           TO MAKE UP
Unless otherwise specified, sew seams and join pieces using mattress stitch, working with right side of knitting uppermost. A one stitch knitted seam turning has been allowed on most pieces to accommodate this method. To make chick, first work a gathering thread through every stitch along tail end of body, draw up tightly and fasten off, then join side edges, stopping 2.5cm/1in away from gathered front edge. Stuff body firmly, then join remainder of seam. This seam will run along underside of body. Starting at gathered top point, join side edges of head, leaving base edge open, stuff firmly, then position and sew base edge to body. With knit side outermost, fold each wing in half and oversew open edges together, then position and sew wings to body sides. For each foot, take two strips and hold together in a cross shape with a few stitches, then bend uppermost strip into a V shape to form three toes at front of foot and hold in position with a couple more stitches. Repeat with remaining foot strips, then pin feet in position at base of body, checking that chick stands correctly, sew in place and remove pins. Mark eye positions on head with pins. placing 2 knitted stitches apart. Take a length of Black yarn and carefully draw out a single strand. Use the remaining 2 strandsOriginal pattern from Alan Dart.