January 30, 2012

Happy Monday and Happy Week!

List of things you should do:

Or just knit! xD

January 27, 2012

Hand Knitted Clock

    A knitted clock is such an original idea. This is Gomitolo clock designed by Carlo and Benedetta Tamborini. This funky wall clock is knit of cotton and comes in thee different colors. It's large at aprox 20" in diameter. Yes, this clock really works! 

   This is the one of the most genius clocks, I've ever seen! This "clock" is by Siren Elise Wilhelmsen which knits a scarf in one year!

You can find out how to make a circular one HERE by Liat Gat

 HERE is my favourite - very funny and colourful clockwork.


 Or you can knit a beret-clock HERE.


                                                               by Jeykins Nachman

January 26, 2012

Mini Heart

Mini Heart

Today I’m going to show you how to do this mini heart.
Valentine’s day is coming! If you need an idea here's one of my favorites: it's very easy to do. This heart uses the most basic techniques of knitting; casting on casting off, increasing and decreasing. Keep a careful count of which row you are on, because you don’t have to lose the pattern.

Also, you can find my pattern in Ravelry
 You need
-needles 3mm 
-tapestry needle
-red or pink yarn
CO - cast on
BO - bind off
st - stitch
k - knit
p - purl
m1 - make mone
k2tog - knit 2 stitches together
p2tog - purl 2 stitches together

CO 2 sts

Row 1: p

Row 2:  k1, m1, k1, m1 (4 sts)

Row 3: p 

Row 4:  k1, m1, k2, m1, k1 (6 sts)

Row 5: p 

Row 6: k1, m1, k4, m1, k1 (8 sts)

Row 7: p 

Row 8: k1, m1, k6, m1, k1 (10 sts)

Row 9: p 

Row 10: k1, m1, k8, m1, k1 (12 sts)

Row 11: p 

Row 12: k1, m1, k10, m1, k1 (14 sts)

Row 13: p 

Row 14: k2 tog, k5 and turn, leaving remaining 7 st on the needle 

Row 15: p2tog, p2, p2tog, turn

BO 3 sts, cut a long piece of yarn (about 10cm) and weave through back of piece to reattach to other side (where you left off when turning).

Row 16: k5, k2tog (6sts)

Row 17: p2tog, p2, p2tog (4sts)

Row 18: BO 

You can make one or two pieces. It can be flat or round.

This pattern is for personal use, knitting pleasure and fun.You are not permitted to sell whole or part of it. 


January 25, 2012


This is my last work. Knitted smurf, of course for my little niece. The Smurfs is her favourite movie lately.   But she wants more, next thing I have to do for her is a female smurf  ツ

January 20, 2012

Did You Know?

Stress Relief and Knitting

Doctors have finally realized what knitters always knew - knitting helps us to relax, puts us to the meditative state, which is so important for stress relieve and the optimum health.
Knitting helps us feel fulfilled because we are able to create something beautiful in the process and relieve stress as well. Knitting is both creative and organized. In this way it occupies the left brain to maintain the structure needed to follow the pattern, but also stimulates the right brain as a creative activity. So a part of the soothing, meditative effect could be a result of this as a possibly balancing activity, along with occupying the left brain which often is a source of stressful mental activity.
Knit, Enjoy and Relax!

January 13, 2012

And now we present...

Това е кученцето в завършен вид, разбира се много ми помогна моята малка племенница, която е само на 4! Според нея то се казва Тиодор. Представяме ви Тиодор!

January 09, 2012


   Здравейте! Аз съм Цвети. Направих този блог, за да покажа част от нещата, които правя през свободното си време, да споделя хобито си с вас. Зная, че има много жени и мъже които правят прекрасни неща и се надявам да открият моята страница, за да обменим опит и идеи. Очаквайте снимкки!